Student Lockers

Students in the MPN and MSN programs who do not reside on campus may request use of a locker in Fagin Hall to store personal belongings. Lockers are located on the 1st and 2nd floor of Fagin Hall.

Please review the locker policy

  • Lockers are reserved for MPN and MSN students; other student requests will be put on a wait list and approved if availability permits
  • Students must register their locker with the Office of Student Information (OSI) through the Nursing Portal and select the locker they wish to use from the list of available lockers   PLEASE NOTE: the online reservation system for lockers is temporarily unavailable. To request a locker, please email
  • Students provide their own locks
  • Lockers may be requested at any time during the Academic Year
  • Students must request a renewal of their locker every Academic Year, in May, to confirm their continued use; renewals will be completed using the same online registration process as the initial locker registration, through the portal
  • Graduating students must remove their locks, and empty lockers by the end of the term in which they graduate; the reservation will expire on the date of the student’s graduation
  • Students going on a Leave of Absence remove their locks, empty lockers, and submit a locker cancellation request before going on leave and will need to submit a new locker request upon their return
  • OSI will conduct an annual audit of lockers and will work with Operational Services to remove locks and empty contents of any lockers that have not been formally reserved; the SON is not responsible for storing student belongings
  • A student’s request for a locker assumes they have read and understand the locker information and accept all of the responsibilities described therein.

Questions about the locker reservation policy may be directed to

1st Floor Lockers: #91-#273 1st Floor Lockers: #91-#273

2nd Floor Lockers: #1-#90 2nd Floor Lockers: #1-#90