Course Selection Tools

Course and Registration Tools

The Course Timetable lists courses that will be offered during the upcoming semester. The same listing of courses can be found through the Course Search function in Path@Penn.

The Course Catalog is a listing of all courses offered by the University. Please note that these are not specific to any given semester.

Path@Penn: The university Registrar’s website provides an overview of Path@Penn features as well as guides for Course Search, Advance Registration and Course Selection functions.

Penn Course Review and PennCourseNotify are excellent tools to assist in course selection. Penn Course Review offers student reviews of particular courses, which can provide insight into a particular course or instructor, and can also indicate whether or not a particular course or section may be in high demand. PennCourseNotify is a service that emails students when a closed course opens up during the Course Selection period.

Sector Course Selection

Sector course requirements have changed as of Fall 2023. Please refer to the appropriate section below for the sector information pertaining to your entry term.

We are here to help.

For help with Academic Policies and Procedures, Course Load, Support and Resources, and General Advising please email,

For help with Course Permits, Switching Sections, Course Set-up and Enrollment, Courses@Penn, and Registration Issues please email.