Points System

Five points per semester are required to be considered an active member

How to Earn SNAP Points

  • GBM (or similar events) = 1 point
  • Peer Advising Event = 1 point
  • Committee Event/Meeting/Shift = 1 point
  • Volunteering Event = 1 point (sometimes 2 points, depending on the opportunity and time commitment)
  • Fundraising Event = 1 point
  • Attending State or National Convention = 2 points each
  • Becoming an NSNA Member = 2 points (send your membership confirmation to skeang@nursing.upenn.edu)
  • Quiz = 0.5-1 point (depending on the quiz)
  • Peer Advising Meetups = 0.5 points (for a max of 2 points)

If you have questions about specific point opportunities, please contact SNAP Secretary, Sophia Keang, at skeang@nursing.upenn.edu!

Please remember to sign in at every event you attend in order to get credit. Contact SNAP Secretary, Sophia Keang, at (skeang@nursing.upenn.edu) to track your points for the semester, or just check your points in the listserv email each week. Active members will receive a certificate and be featured on our website every semester. Additional incentives for active membership can be found on the graphic below!