
How to Get Involved


Come to our meetings (GBMs)! Dates for meetings and other events will be announced in the weekly listserv newsletter called “SNAP Shots.” GBMs will be offered in-person this semester (a select few may be held online or made available online following the live event). We look forward to seeing you there!

To sign up for our weekly newsletter:


Our committees have projects you may be interested in, as well—whether it’s fundraising, community service, or legislation. Be on the lookout for application deadlines in the weekly newsletter if you are interested in joining a SNAP committee!

Peer Advising!

Every Spring semester we take applications for new peer advisors. Upperclassmen are assigned to incoming freshmen to help them navigate the transition to college. We also host multiple peer advising events for advice and bonding throughout the year.


Receive SNAP points for attending GBMs & other events, peer advising events, community service opportunities, and by participating in committees. You must earn 5 points per semester to be considered an active member of SNAP.