
About SNAP

Student Nurses at Penn is the largest nursing student organization at the University of Pennsylvania. SNAP is a chapter of the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA). Registration for NSNA is separate, and you can sign up for NSNA here.For about $45 a year, you can gain access to great opportunities to network and meet other nursing students, receive discounts on books and NCLEX reviews, earn scholarships, and more. Our members have taken advantage of leadership opportunities at the state and national level, and have also presented resolutions at NSNA conventions

The Student Nurses Association of Pennsylvania is among the largest of NSNA state constituents, bringing together students from other reputable nursing programs in the state. Our chapter attends events such as the annual SNAP Convention each November, as well as other events centering on leadership and policymaking. Every year, we present resolutions, students run for the state board, win scholarships, and more.

SNAP is a multifaceted group involved in NSNA as well as peer advising, community service, legislation, and exploring the diverse world of nursing.

If you’d like to take advantage of pre-professional development trips or any other component of SNAP, event information will be in weekly newsletter emails. Please email SNAP Secretary, Sophia Keang, at skeang@nursing.upenn.edu to be added to the SNAP listserv or fill out this form: tinyurl.com/snappoints2024

Peer Advising

Upperclassmen giving tips to the Freshmen for Micro-biology. There are many resources available to help you navigate through Penn Nursing with one of the best being Peer Advising.

We pair all first year students with Peer Advisors for the school year. They are a useful resource if you need help with anything from classes to how to buy scrubs. Many Peer Advising events are planned throughout the semester to help make friendships, get advice, and relax. You can reach out to our Peer Advising Chairs, Kennedy Smihula (kneugart@upenn.edu) and Hazel Ekeke (hekeke8@nursing.upenn.edu) with any questions or suggestions for events.

Questions or Comments?

We cater our events to YOU. Email SNAP President, Jane Foster, at janefost@nursing.upenn.edu if you would like to collaborate with SNAP on events or if you have an idea to share!