Statistical Support
The Office of Nursing Research provides a team of highly skilled doctoral and master’s level statisticians through the BECCA Lab (Biostatistics * Evaluation * Collaboration * Consultation * Analysis), along with Penn Nursing research assistants and biostatistics graduate interns, who work with investigators to design, implement, analyze, and disseminate their research.
This collaboration with a fully-supported, skilled statistician typically yields more clearly articulated results that are better able to satisfy grant reviewers’ expectations and stand up to peer-review.
Smart Collaboration Builds Successful Outcomes
Statistical collaboration provides support in the areas of sample size, power analysis computation, data management, statistical analysis, and results presentation. Expert at identifying and addressing potential issues, BECCA statisticians may suggest exploring alternatives such as more appropriate statistical designs, or perhaps modern modeling techniques. BECCA statisticians not only ensure statistical rigor and appropriateness, but also make sure that a study design is practical, feasible, and scientifically justifiable.
Our Services
The BECCA team provides consultation and analytic support in the following areas:
Grant proposal preparation
Research methods
Data management within the following frameworks:
Data analysis
Abstract and manuscript preparation
Training, workshops, and guest lectures
One-on-one consultation provided free of charge for Penn Nursing graduate students
BECCA Consultative Statistical Services for PhD Students