Penn Global Nursing Fellowship: Alumni

Thanks to a $1 million endowment, Penn Nursing has expanded an exciting program to provide our skilled graduates and faculty with the opportunity to engage in meaningful projects that support the health-related work of global organizations committed to serving vulnerable populations.

Program Background

Building on the success of Penn Nursing’s first Global Nursing Fellow, who worked on a community mental health project in India in 2018, the Global Nursing Fellows Program (GNFP) catalyzes personal and professional growth and leadership to advance competitively selected projects of organizations operating in a global context. Fellowships available through the Penn Global Nursing Fellowship program have been made possible through the Beatrice Renfield Foundation and individual funders. These Fellowships provide an opportunity for extended global engagement of three months to a year, depending on the needs of the organization. Continue reading to learn about benefits, how to participate and to enjoy the stories of former Fellows.

Why become a Global Nurse Fellow?

Fellow Advantages

The Penn Global Nursing Fellowship Program (PGNF) was designed in response to the desire of our graduates (alumni) to engage in meaningful global health work. The PGNF program provides financial and mentoring support that allows selected alumni to make a significant contribution to a worthwhile global effort. The mechanics of the PGNF program involve matching of host-organization-specified needs with skills that can be provided by our alumni when supported by a Penn Nursing faculty mentor.


  • Real-life, often on-the-ground experience with a global organization
  • Exposure to another nation and culture with guidance from country hosts
  • Visibility of your global engagement via website and presentation platforms
  • Small stipend that helps to make travel possible

Commitment of a Global Nursing Fellow

Fellows are terrific representatives of our formidable alumni community. When they agree to take on a given project for a given period of time, we look forward to their respect of that commitment.

Our People

What makes a successful Host Organization?

Penn Nursing engages with host organizations that we believe can provide excellent opportunities for our Fellows.

Characteristics we seek in a host organization

  • Commitment to improving life for vulnerable populations
  • Possession of a track record of effective mentoring and use of resources
  • Reputation for positive impact on the communities they serve
  • Ability to propose impactful projects with opportunities for meaningful collaboration by Fellows
  • Capacity to provide active supervision and logistical support

How to Become a Global Nursing Fellow

If you are a Penn Nursing Alum, whether you are interested in a specific opportunity, or you are more generally interested in becoming a Penn Global Nursing Fellow one day, we welcome your inquiries at

At Penn Nursing, Global Health Affairs (GHA) works with Alumni Affairs to get the word out on current opportunities with selected organizations. When they see an opportunity that interests them, alumni should respond as quickly as possible, submitting required resumes and statements of interest, including relevant skills and availability. Materials will be shared with the host organization. Alumni applicants who the host organization considers to be good matches will be invited to an interview.

If a match is made…

Contracts / informal letter (email) agreements with the host organization and the Fellow are prepared by GHA, specifying the commitments each party is making, including:

  • Support offered by host organization
  • Stipends offered to Fellows and to Penn Nursing Mentor

Additional advice will be made available regarding travel, required visas (business visa/tourist visa) using CIBT Penn Portal, and the use of Penn resources like My Trips and International SOS.


Please contact Penn Nursing’s Global Health Affairs office at if you need additional information.

Global Nursing Fellow Stories

Katherine Buhikire

Nu’06, GNu’08, PhD in process

Barbara Doyle

Barbara Doyle

Nu’86, GNu’94, GNc’96

Luca Koritsanszky

Luca Koritsanszky

Nu’18, GNu’21

Lauren Welch

Lauren Welch

Nu’16, GNu’22, Global Nursing Fellow

  • Cover of LINKS magazine, June 2021

    Penn Nursing Collaborates with Partners In Health to Support Global Nursing

    Penn’s Global Nursing Fellowship Program adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic, actively engaging remotely. Our collaboration with Partners In Health was documented in the June 2021 issue of LINKS magazine.
    Download article