To encourage those with international experience to become part of our community, we invite RPCVs (Returned Peace Corps Volunteers) to apply for special financial support. We offer two types of awards in limited numbers — the RPCV Award and the Paul D. Coverdell Fellowship — to qualified individuals interested in further education within nursing sciences.
Penn Nursing has been a designated World Health Organization Collaborating Center (WHOCC) for Nursing and Midwifery Leadership since 1988. Currently, we are collaborating with PAHO/WHO to increase knowledge and understanding of maternal health and mortality, to build capacity in nursing education, and to strengthen nursing research throughout the Latin American and Caribbean region. Email Nancy Biller to get started.
In the fall of 2014, the School of Nursing, under the newly appointed Dean, Dr. Antonia Villarruel, reached out to representatives from Schools across the Penn campus to gauge interest in forming the Penn in Latin America and the Caribbean (PLAC) group. The strong positive response led to a meeting on December 15, 2014. More than 60 individuals from eight Penn Schools, the Perry World House, Penn Global, the University of Pennsylvania Health System, and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia were in attendance. By 2019, PLAC had grown to include membership from eleven Penn Schools. Annual “PLAC” events showcase the depth and breadth of institutional and faculty engagement in the region.
Thanks to a $1 million endowment, Penn Nursing has expanded an exciting program to provide our skilled graduates and faculty with the opportunity to engage in meaningful projects that support the health-related work of global organizations committed to serving vulnerable populations. Click here to learn more about the the Global Nursing Fellows Program.
In June 2018, the Penn School of Nursing entered into a formal alliance with Vietnam’s largest private company, the Vingroup. Sharing Penn’s vision, the Vingroup aspires to be the preeminent intellectual and transformative force in improving health through nursing in Vietnam. To do this, they have established a new, private University in Hanoi, VinUniversity, with a mission to be the first world-class, internationally accredited and ranked university in Vietnam. Click here to learn more.
Penn works with the Government of Botswana and the University of Botswana to build sustainable and high quality healthcare in the country through clinical care, research, and education. Contact: Nancy Biller
Afya Bora Consortium
Penn Nursing is part of a consortium of African and US universities working to provide future global health leaders with skills not currently part of traditional health profession training. Contact: Rosemary Polomano
Chagas Disease Project Partners in Peru
Our collaborators:
Contact: Alison Buttenheim
Society for Education, Action, and Research (SEARCH) in Gadchiroli, India
SEARCH provides community health care to the local population informed, in part, by Penn Nursing research. Contact: Alison Buttenheim
Mission Interuniversitaire de Coordination Échange Franco-Américains (MICEFA)
MICEFA in Paris, France is a Penn Nursing Global Health Experience site for students. Contact: Nancy Biller
Mahidol University in Bangkok, Thailand
We partner with the Mahidol University School of Nursing or the fieldwork portion of one of our Comparative Heath Systems courses. Fieldwork experiences are designed to provide students with a broad view of Thailand’s history and culture. While in Thailand, students spend 2-3 weeks exploring the health care system.
Contact: Global Health Affairs
Discovery/Vitality South Africa
This partnership is through the Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics, or CHIBE. Contact: Alison Buttenheim
Puentes de Salud in Philadelphia
Puentes de Salud is a multi-school collaboration based on an interdisciplinary approach to health, striving to prepare next generation of professionals to work on a multidisciplinary team that’s focused on the community.