Penn Nursing Ranked #1 Nursing School in the World
For the second year in a row, the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing is ranked the number one nursing school in the world according to a recent survey by QS World University. The rankings highlight the world’s top universities in 42 different subject areas based on academic reputation, employer reputation, and research impact.
March 13, 2017“The ranking from the QS survey affirms the quality of faculty, students, and staff available at the School of Nursing and University of Pennsylvania who are available to prepare highly sought after practitioners and researchers,” said Penn Nursing Dean Antonia Villarruel. “We are proud of the ranking, and even more proud of the impact we make every day in the lives of patients, families, and communities.”
The QS World University Rankings by Subject aim to help prospective students identify the world’s leading schools in their chosen field. Each of the subject rankings is compiled using four sources. The first two of these are QS’s global surveys of academics and employers, which are used to assess institutions’ international reputation in each subject. The second two indicators assess research impact, based on research citations per paper and h-index (a way of measuring both the productivity and impact of the published work) in the relevant subject. These four components are combined to produce the results for each of the subject rankings, with weightings adapted for each discipline.
Four Penn Nursing Programs Take Top Spot for US News & World Report Rankings
The US News and World Report ’2018 Best Graduate School’ rankings have been released and six individual Penn Nursing programs are noted for their high marks, with four programs taking the number one spot, resulting in more number one specialties than any other school. They are:
- Adult/Gerontology, Primary Care Nurse Practitioner #1
- Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner #1
- Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner #1
- Administration #1
- Family Nurse Practitioner #2
- Adult/Gerontology, Acute Care Nurse Practitioner #3
Overall, Penn Nursing placed in the top tier of graduate schools of nursing nationally, taking third place.