Campaign Honor Roll

More than 4,300 generous donors. Over 13,400 gifts made. And in the end, Penn Nursing’s Innovating for Life and Living Campaign—part of Penn’s larger Power of Penn Campaign—raised $3 million more than its $60 million goal thanks to its Board of Advisors, lead volunteers, and many donors and friends.

“While innovation has always been a natural part of the nursing world, focusing on innovation in a very intentional way as a school was never on our radar. Our volunteer leaders helped us to understand that doing so would give our students an incredible edge—and potentially change the world of nursing.”

–Professor and Margaret Bond Simon Dean of Nursing Antonia M. Villarruel PHD RN FAAN

The idea of infusing the concept of innovation into every aspect of Penn Nursing turned out to be a milestone moment. From technology to community engagement opportunities to curriculum to scholarships and beyond, the Campaign opened the door to doing things differently.

Today we see the true impact of all that the Innovating for Live and Living Campaign accomplished and gratefully recognize our many supporters and friends who helped us achieve its goals

Campaign Honor Roll List of Donors (Alphabetized)

“No one could have predicted that our Campaign would coincide with a global pandemic. It brought into focus the critical role that Penn nurses play in health care and the many ways in which they innovate to deliver equitable, quality care. It also increased the visibility of Penn Nursing students on campus, as they administered Covid tests and assumed leadership roles in clinical management and public safety. I’ve never been more proud to be part of Penn Nursing, the #1 nursing school in the world.”

- Dr. Susan Drossman Sokoloff C’84, Campaign Co-chair

“It’s been a great privilege to help lead the Innovating for Life and Living Campaign alongside my fellow Co-chairs Susan Drossman and Patty Silverstein. I am especially grateful to the many generous donors whose gifts allow Penn Nursing to instill and accelerate innovation throughout the School, with numerous examples of outreach to the greater University. As an alumna of Penn Nursing, I commend the Alumni Board and am proud that this Campaign engaged the greatest number of alumni in our history to broaden an strengthen alumni commitment to our School.”
- Krista Pinola Nu’86, Campaign Co-chair

“While we had tremendous momentum, nurses’ vital role on the front-line of the pandemic elevated the need to support Penn Nursing. Everyone went into the highest gear possible to meet the challenges of educating students during these unprecedented times and developed creative opportunities for them to thrive and grow. We have found incredible support in all ways from all constituents—through donations large and small, we surpassed our ambitious goals.”

- Patricia Bleznak Silverstein C’81, Campaign Co-chair