
CHOPR is committed to improving health outcomes and equity by building an evidence base for reforming work environments in all the places nurses care for patients and providing direction for state, national, and international policymakers.

We do this by:

Improving health care quality, health outcomes, and health equity: We study the work conditions and policy contexts that affect the quality of nursing care, outcomes for patients and nurses, and the disparities in health outcomes across populations.

Producing research evidence and policy recommendations: We conduct rigorous and innovative research using national, international, and interdisciplinary collaborations and provide evidence-based suggestions for improving nursing care delivery and outcomes.

Supporting the nursing workforce and outcomes: We investigate the work conditions and policy contexts that support effective organization and delivery of nursing care; influence clinician well-being, nurse recruitment and retention; and ensure good patient outcomes for all. Examples such as optimal education and skill mix; staffing and resource allocation; and work environment transformation.

Training the next generation of leading nurse researchers: We offer graduate-level training programs for predoctoral and postdoctoral candidates who are interested in health outcomes, health equity, and policy research and prepare them to become influential leading nurse researchers.

We believe all patients have a right to the highest quality nursing care and all nurses have a right to a good work environment that supports and values their contributions to health.

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